High School Students

Hey look! It's Jack and Marvin back when they were adorable high school students, building Oresat0, Oregon's first satellite. Now Jack is at Purdue and works summers at SpaceX, and Marvin is down at Berkeley.

So you're a high school student?

Oooof, high school. We remember those days. Why don't you make it more bearable by working on rockets and satellites with us? And yes, you can totally work with us. There's a lot to know and consider, however:

If your student works with us, come on down and check out what they're working on! We love when friends and family drop in so we can show off all of our cool stuff.

Hey parents and guardians

We'd love to have your highly motivated high schooler work with us! But, you should know some extremely important things before you give them permission to work with us: